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Conservation Commission Minutes 02/14/2013
Chichester Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting February 14, 2013
Selectmen's Office

Members present:  Gordon Jones, Dawn Marshall, Blaze Konefal, Frank Harrison, Robert Mann  

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.  

Public Hearing on the proposal to spend up to $1,500 from the Conservation Fund for preliminary costs related to timber harvest at the Spaulding Town Forest.  Hearing opened at 7:07.  Hearing closed at 8:15.  No public comment was received.

Minutes of 1/10/13 were reviewed and approved with editorial corrections.

Mail review:    Reviewed a letter of notification to the town from PSNH regarding vegetation control in two power line corridors, some in wetlands, in the northern part of town using unspecified methods.  Also, reviewed an email reply from Bob Reed, owner of the Drinon conservation easement, granting permission to do easement stewardship this spring.   He will contact us upon his return to Chichester.

Goals and Projects, following revised agenda as discussed in the 1/10/13 meeting:

1.      Public outreach.  See Carpenter Park outreach below.
2.      Land conservation.  There were no new land real estate listings of potential interest this month.  No reply received to date on offer of land purchase already made.  
3.      Spaulding Town Forest.  Charlie Moreno (CM) will be contacted after the March meeting regarding marking and bidding for the Spaulding timber cut if prior progress is not seen.   No billing received from CM for work already performed.  Expansion of the bidders' list was discussed to include local and large contractors.   Names will be passed on to CM.   Also, Blaze will coordinate with Steve Stock re blazing of Spaulding boundaries and will research costs for this work to be considered at the March meeting.
4.      Carpenter Park.  A spring volunteer day at the park is likely as additional match is needed related to the LWCF grant.  Possible outreach efforts related to the Carpenter Park birthday were discussed, including walks and interpretive signs.   Frank will research tree labeling.
5.      Madeline Sanborn Conservation Area.  Further phragmites control in 2013 by cutting, covering with plastic, and chemical spraying was discussed.   Gordon and Frank will contact Jim Plunkett about use of his chemical application license at the MSCA.  Gordon has discussed low-impact timber harvest, possibly to be applied to the compact pine growth south of the Grange Hall, with Tim Riel.  This to be discussed further in March.
6.      Easement stewardship.  Blaze has sent 2012 stewardship reports for LCIP easements to Steve Walker.  Dates for 2013 easement stewardship will be discussed at the March meeting.

Adjournment at 8:15 pm
Minutes by Robert Mann
